Saturday, June 30, 2007

California July 2007 - 3

Our first week was glorious and all to ourselves complete with strolls along the little town of Half Moon Bay, days at the beach and a full day in bed! Just what we needed before starting training and camp.

And guess what we did on July 2nd (our 2nd anniv)? We married ourselves again in the very spot we had our wedding ceremony at Slide Ranch overlooking the ocean (and our turtle rock pictured above). We "a-newed" our vows to each other and then sat and watched the hawks fly and listened to the waves crash below. That's the benefit of not having (or being able to outside of MA) to get married legally--you can do it wherever, whenever and however you want. Below we are pictured in front of the yurt where we had our reception.

For our last wkd before camp started, we headed to as close to Carrie's birth mountain (Mt. McKinley) as we could get on a wkd drive and found ourselves in Kings Canyon National Park. Carrie had some woo-woo (as we affectionately call it) homework to do for her Shaman training there and I sat by the water, took some photos and tried not to pass out from the heat and the 6,000 ft above sea level altitude. We got to go right in the water near some waterfalls which dropped the heat down from 96 degrees to 75. On the way out of the canyon we stopped by her favorite family restaurant called Sals which has ridiculous mexican food.

It seems like we've been here forever and what's more odd is it feels like we aren't visiting at all...once we got to the East Bay it has just felt so utterly normal, it feels like we live here again. "Are you visiting Ca this summer?" "Oh, no, we live in Ca one month a year." Maybe someday we'll get to live here for a longer part of the year but for now, we are truly enjoying wearing all the neccessary layers (it's all about layers here with temps in the am at 58 up to 80 during the day and back to 60 at night) and soaking up the land and smells and fabulous food of our one month/year home.